A carved Jack-o’-lantern glows brightly on Halloween, take a closer look and discover a Halloween scene inside the eyes and bat-shaped mouth! Kitty and dog have set up shop in a jolly jack-o’-lantern to play tricks and hand out treats. Kitty (who certainly isn’t a scaredy cat!) casts a spell as a sorceress in a magic celestial dress and her friend dog is disguised as his favorite animal… a vampire bat! Remove the two pet pals from their pockets to find mice scurrying around with apples as they make hot cider in a large cauldron by candlelight. Decorate for trick-or-treaters by pairing the Jack-o’-lantern pocket pillow with our Haunted House pocket pillow.
Measures 12″ × 12″
* This item is not a toy and is intended for decorative use only. For your child’s safety the small accessories should be removed from the pillows and kept out of the reach of children under the age of three.
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